Nice ! I left cross-section links untouched when I translated spine-unity documentation before. It may take more time and patient to allow me correct every link so that they can locate the right section. It will be upadted ASAP. 😃
Misaki pointed out that references on the Japanese spine-unity page require an additional prefix to work for strange reasons: when adding /spine-unity in front (/spine-unity#从Spine导出文件到Unity) it works as intended. So the format /spine-unity#heading-title shall be used for cross-section references from now on.
here is an uncertainty perplex me: Japanese spine-unity page can be accessed by both spine-unity-ja URL and spine-unity URL, and own multiple variations of cross-section links:
「[SkeletonGraphicコンポーネント - CanvasGroupアルファ](/spine-unity#CanvasGroupアルファ)」
, they locate sections correctly , scrolling well.
So, what's the proper form of those links allow them work as intended? And please let me know which one can be the best style ? :
[从Spine导出文件到Unity](/spine-unity-zh#%E4%BB%8ESpine%E5%AF%BC%E5%87%BA%E6%96%87%E4%BB%B6%E5%88%B0Unity(Character In Hex byte with GB2312))
Looking forward to your advices sincerely :think:
:derp: minor update for per-pixel realtime shadows notification: