
  • 26 avr. 2013
  • Inscrit 25 avr. 2013
  • Thanks Nate. The import feature looks super handy, but I'm talking about copying an animation from one bone to another within the same skeleton. I can't seem to get that to work. It will always paste back to the original bone.

    Here's what I'm trying to do. I have an animation of a character juggling three balls (bones for the balls are named ball01, ball02, ball03), I want to add a fourth ball. Flip back to "setup" mode, duplicate a ball (new bone named ball04). back to "animate" mode, ball04 has no animation since it is new. I'd like to copy the animation from ball03 to ball04 as a starting point instead of rebuilding the whole animation.

    I'm using OS X if that makes any difference.

    Thanks again for the help and great software!


  • Is it possible to copy and paste the translate keyframes from one object to another?

    I am able to copy and paste within an object's timeline but I'd like to re-use the motion on another object.

    I highlight the keyframes, click copy, go to another object timeline, paste, nothing happens. Am I missing something?
