yes, thank you )
and then got and fixed another issue with rendering react component )

- 31 janv. 2024
- Inscrit 23 août 2023
fixed with position absolute
yes, that was ChatGPT )
thank you for your advise.
I have one more questions - it is about backgroundColor.
I tried ti set it to the transparentm but i get all white
I set it like it says at documentationnew spine.SpinePlayer("player-container", { jsonUrl: "%PUBLIC_URL%/spine/ai_girl/ai_girl.json", atlasUrl: "%PUBLIC_URL%/spine/ai_girl/ai_girl.atlas", animation: "idle_anim", showControls: false, backgroundColor: "#00000000", alpha: true, animation: "idle_anim", success: function (player) { setTimeout(() => console.log("hello"), 400); }, });
but i get this effect cat i set the background to transparent?
thank you again )
- Modifié
Hello dear friends,
i am tried to add some spine animation to my React app and it dont work (
Maybe i do something wrong?
i install npm packet "@esotericsoftware/spine-player": "4.2.18",
The component render a div but w/o any animation inside.
Please help me
Here is my codeimport { useEffect, useRef } from "react"; import atlasData from "../../images/spine/ai_girl/ai_girl.atlas"; import jsonData from "../../images/spine/ai_girl/ai_girl.json"; import imageData from "../../images/spine/ai_girl/ai_girl.png"; import { SpinePlayer } from "@esotericsoftware/spine-player"; export default function SpineAnimationGirl() { const spineRef = useRef(null); const spineRoot = document.querySelector("#spine"); useEffect(() => { if (spineRoot) { const spinePlayer = new SpinePlayer(); spinePlayer.load({ atlasText: atlasData, jsonText: jsonData, texture: imageData, }); spinePlayer.trackEntry.setAnimation(0, "idle_anim", true); spineRoot.appendChild(spinePlayer.canvas); } }, []); return <div id="spine" style={{ width: "800px", height: "600px" }}></div>;``