
  • 3 avr. 2023
  • Inscrit 24 avr. 2016
  • @tasco exports to non-desktop platforms, that's a big item on my todo list. I want to make sure everything else is good first.

    @Ryusui that's actually what I spent most of my time on 🙂 They way attaching other nodes is planned to work is like like this:

    1. In the inspector for SpineSprite, you have a dedicated section where you can specify which node should be rendered before/after which slot. It's not using the standard array or dictionary inspector UI, but a custom UI with drop downs for slots and node paths.
    2. In code, you will have setters to add/remove nodes from slots.
  • @PESEZZZ terribly sorry for that. The include file oder in MySceneComponent.h was incorrect after applying a formatter AFTER checking spine-ue4 is working as intended. It's fixed in the spine-runtimes repository!

    @Ryusui the Godot devs will not have to implement anything for a Spine Godot runtime. How long that runtime will take to create I can't tell. It also depends on whether we target both Godot 3 and 4, or only 4. I'm leaning towards only targeting 4 at the moment, knowing that version is not yet done.