THANK YOU! I've been waiting for this for a few months now. Will definitely give it a try!

- 25 mai 2017
- Inscrit 2 sept. 2015
- Modifié
First off I'd like to commend you on creating an awesome product. I really love Spine and what it is capable of, great work!
I used spine-cocos2d for a game I'm building and Apple TV was announced and of course I immediately checked if cocos2d was going to be implementing some sort of Apple TV version, but according to their forums, they aren't doing any more future versions.
I've read the other topics regarding SpriteKit so I'm well aware that as far as official runtimes, UE is being done first, but I just wanted to get an update on the status. Also with Apple TV coming and SpriteKit being able to be used for games in it, I think there is even more demand for SpriteKit.
So, my question is, how's it coming in UE and is SpriteKit in the near future?
If its not in the near future, perhaps it would be possible to use to cocos2d-objectiveC runtime and convert it to SpriteKit?
I was looking at it and (plz correct me if I am wrong) it looks like I'd only have to port/translate the SkeletonRenderer and SkeletonAnimation files to SpriteKit? All the rest is based off the spine-c runtime right? Or am I totally wrong and it is a huge change?Ahh ok, thats a bummer. Oh well I'll just have to re-do it. Thanks anyways!
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I downloaded the trial version, played around with it and was impressed with what I saw, so I decided to spend my hard earned Indie dev money on an Essential version.
However, I can't find a way to import the work I did from the trial version into the Essential version? Anyone know how to do this or am I screwed?