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Papagayo Lip-Sync and Spine
Hey all,
I've modified the open source lip-sync software Papagayo so it can export to Spine. It's not as fully featured as I'd like, but I thought some people might find it useful.
Here's the git link: https://github.com/JakeAtSeven2/Papagayo
Let me know what you think.
Nice!! I think. I've Have no idea of papagayo. Do you have a website/blurb of what the software does? I have heard it mentioned here before
Nice! I added it to the runtimes page. Do you have any screenshots showing how the Spine export works?
You might want to edit the README.md to describe what you have changed in the fork. A big problem with GitHub forks is it is hard to tell what has changed or which out of a hundred forks has the changes I want.
Thanks for the feedback guys.
Nate, I'll try to update the README.md with a description and some instructions this week sometime.
BinaryCats, here is the website for Papagayo if you want more info: http://www.lostmarble.com/papagayo/
Alright, I updated the README.md with new info and some usage instructions: https://github.com/JakeAtSeven2/Papagayo
I also added some details for building Papagayo on Windows because it is a little different.
This sounds like a perfect tool for lip syncing!
I have used Papagayo and it is really useful tool, maybe not for final lip sync but for solid base to be worked on.
I have failed to build this on WIN10, I get this error:
:-1: warning: extra_libs.path is not defined: install target not created
I wonder what I am doing wrong?
Not sure on the build, maybe JakeAtSeven2 can help.
This relatively new Spine feature might also be useful when working with audio:
Spine Plugin in Support
Thanks for the reply Nate!
Will check that out and also importing png sequences could do the trick as well.
I remember seeing plugin for that somewhere...
Sorry for the slow response. I haven't checked on this in awhile.
Building on Windows is a little weird and I haven't tested on Windows 10. Did you follow the build instructions described on the GitHub readme?
Bonjour, pourquoi ne pas avoir compiler un executable directement ? J'ai jamais eu autant de mal a compiler ca, que des obstacles et des process ultra compliqué, j'ai perdu 3 heures sans y parvenir.
Quelqu'un aurais un .exe facile a télécharger svp ? J'aimerais vraiment pouvoir utiliser ca sous Spine