applyMixingFrom方法的 switch-case 块, default case 存在 let t = n[p]
覆盖 else 分支声明的 let t = a.timelineMode
这个是 else 分支编译后的代码,此时,执行到 default 时会导致后续的 t.mixTime
{let t=a.timelineMode,n=a.timelineHoldMix,u=a.shortestRotation,g=!u&&a.timelinesRotation.length!=l<<1;g&&(a.timelinesRotation.length=l<<1),a.totalAlpha=0;for(let p=0;p<l;p++){let l,x=o[p],w=exports.MixDirection.mixOut,b=0;switch(t[p]){case qt:if(!i&&x instanceof kt)continue;l=s,b=c;break;case Ut:l=exports.MixBlend.setup,b=c;break;case Wt:l=s,b=h;break;case zt:l=exports.MixBlend.setup,b=h;break;default:l=exports.MixBlend.setup;let t=n[p];b=h*Math.max(0,1-t.mixTime/t.mixDuration);}
4.2.66 库编译后的代码存在变量覆盖的问题
TypeError: Cannot read property 'mixTime' of undefined
at Vt.applyMixingFrom
Hello and thanks for reaching us.
The code you are referring to is this one.
I cannot reproduce the error you are reporting. Can you share the assets triggering the error? If you cannot share them here directly, you can send them via email at
Davide Sorry abount this question, this issue seems to be caused by our use of terser for code compression. We are currently trying other tools.