[Spine-flutter] slot混合模式后alpha丢失
Sorry for the trouble. Could you share your skeleton, atlas and png files?
Thanks, I could confirm the issue in spine-flutter. I have fixed this in the 4.1 and 4.2-beta branches of the spine-runtimes repository.
I have also released spine-flutter 4.1.13 to pub.dev. Please note that the 4.2 package is currently none functional as we are updating spine-cpp (the underlying code of spine-flutter) to be compatible with our new physics feature. Please watch the spine-runtimes repository or pub.dev for the next 4.2 package release which will be fully functional and compatible with Spine Editor version 4.2
On what system? I tested this on macOS using the latest Flutter SDK.
If you modify the skeleton and run into other issues, you have to provide me with the skeleton or ideally the Spine project.
As for the issue you are seeing with the original skeleton you sent, I'll have another look.
flutter app on mac os
flutter app on ios
project screenshoot
We found the issue on ios/android platform
Here is exports.
I'm afraid this looks like a bug in the Impaler rendering engine Flutter uses. We've ran into a bunch of those over the life time of spine-flutter so far. I see if I can create a reproduction case for the Flutter team and submit an issue for them to fix. Sadly, it takes very long for those fixes to land in official Flutter releases.