You need to set TrackEntry mixBlend to MixBlend.add. After that you need to ensure that properties keyed in an animation that is applied additively are reset each frame.
If you are seeing keyed properties increasing (or decreasing) each frame, then it sounds like you are using MixBlend.add
but are not resetting the keyed properties each frame. The easiest way to do that is to reset the skeleton to the setup pose with Skeleton setToSetupPose.
You could also apply an animation on a lower track that resets the properties. To create that animation, in Spine: space to deselect so all timelines are visible, ctrl+shift+L in the dopesheet for the animation applied additively to key all visible, ctrl+C to copy those keys, ctrl+Z to remove them. Create a new animation, advance the timeline to > frame 0 (say frame 10), ctrl+V to paste, move the timeline to frame 0, ctrl+shift+L to key all visible at the setup pose, then delete all the keys on frame 10. Now you have an animation that keys everything to the setup pose that the additively applied animation keys. Apply the "reset" animation on a lower track than the additively applied animation.
While the Preview is close to how things work at runtime, it's not identical. We have an issue to improve that: