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  • New version release model?

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Hey just wondering how this will work,
Will we at one point have a auto-updating jar's (Similar to minecrafts method)
Or new Download Links..

My main concern no matter what method it would be useful to be able to have multiple versions installed concurrently. Reason being, projects using a older version of a run-time don't break with new animations created using new versions of Spine.


The auto update is new, but you're right that it doesn't allow older versions to be run. The best you can do is to click cancel during the downloading of the update, then it will run the old version you had. We could allow you to disable auto update, but I'm not sure how to best allow multiple versions to be run.

Just a suggestion,
You could make the new Version Jar's update to a separate folder each time and have the local settings/global settings save to that version folder. When launched a prompt would come up allowing a person to access the current version or a previous version.. and also allow them to delete old versions if not required any more.
That would save you the headache of handling multiple installs, and keep different setting files for each version.

if your looking for a beta tester wink wink

Also your version checks would compare against the latest version the users system.

Yeah, something like that could work. We could also allow a version to be specific and the updated could update to that specific version. However, I've already been dorking with the launcher and other non-Kickstarter goals for almost 3 weeks, so I'd rather not mess with it any longer. Need to work on runtimes! Hopefully you can get by always having the latest version. Spine project files will always be compatible with newer versions. Exported data files will likely remain the same for some time, and could always be exported again with the latest version.