• Unity
  • Artifact around Spine object in Unity

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I get this weird line on top of the character's head

My atlas import setting:

I've attached the Spine export files. I'm using Spine 4.0.61, Unity 2020.3.18, spine-unity 4.0

Can someone help me with this issue? How do I get rid of the artifact?

Sorry for the troubles, thanks for attaching the assets up front. We just had a look at your assets and could reproduce the issue.

Was this atlas texture modified (i.e. edited in Photoshop) after being exported from Spine? If the png is the unchanged exported file, this could be a bug in atlas texture export in the Spine Editor. The could you then please send us your Spine project, including the input image directory containing all attachment images? You can send it as a zip package to contact@esotericsoftware.com or attach it to a forum posting as above. Please then also let us know which atlas texture export setting you used in Spine.

Harald a écrit

Sorry for the troubles, thanks for attaching the assets up front. We just had a look at your assets and could reproduce the issue.

Was this atlas texture modified (i.e. edited in Photoshop) after being exported from Spine? If the png is the unchanged exported file, this could be a bug in atlas texture export in the Spine Editor. The could you then please send us your Spine project, including the input image directory containing all attachment images? You can send it as a zip package to contact@esotericsoftware.com or attach it to a forum posting as above. Please then also let us know which atlas texture export setting you used in Spine.

The texture was not modified after being exported.
I've sent the project files and the export setting to the email you provided.

Thanks for sending the reproduction files. Actually the Texture Packer Settings screenshot already shows the source of the problem: Your Padding X and Padding Y are set to 0, and in addition to that you have a scale of 0.5 active as well. Even when scaling the output image normally at 1.0, a padding of 0 will lead to blended neighbouring pixels when using any texture filtering in Unity (anything but Nearest Neighbour filtering).

See the documentation here:
Texture packing - Spine User Guide: Padding X/Y

So we would recommend to increase the padding to the default of 2.

Harald a écrit

Thanks for sending the reproduction files. Actually the Texture Packer Settings screenshot already shows the source of the problem: Your Padding X and Padding Y are set to 0, and in addition to that you have a scale of 0.5 active as well. Even when scaling the output image normally at 1.0, a padding of 0 will lead to blended neighbouring pixels when using any texture filtering in Unity (anything but Nearest Neighbour filtering).

See the documentation here:
Texture packing - Spine User Guide: Padding X/Y

So we would recommend to increase the padding to the default of 2.

Thank you! The issue has been resolved.

Glad to hear, thanks for getting back to us.