Raeleus I don't claim to be some great artist. I rotoscoped all those frames from the source material, the Batman The Animated Series trailer. But I did hand draw every single damn frame, so it took me a whole month to produce. I used Spine to manage the frames. Who's saying you can't use Spine for frame-by-frame animation now? I'm surprised it didn't crash because I produced hundreds of frames at 1920x1080 lol. I used some simple translation keys for the panning shots. I exported to MOV and pieced the scenes together in Da Vinci Resolve. I have an awesome new musician that did a great job on making a sound-a-like of the famous theme. I'm really happy with the result. Well anyway, thanks for watching.
Raeleus Hah! Good eye. Most people missed that! I wish I put a Spine reference in there, bit too late hehehh