Just noticed you guys reached your Kickstarter goal!! Congrats! Totally stoked and looking forward to all the new features!!!
Spine Features: Kickstarter #2
Thanks! seems like I picked a perfect night to go to a concert, extra much to celebrate!
Woohoo! Thanks for all the support guys! Not sure on the stretch goals, last time we went way too crazy with them.
Same here you've got all my support guys, the work your doing is amazing !
Awesome guys! Congrats!!! And again - thanks for making this awesome tool. Developing MLW would not have been the same without it! Keep up being awesome - looking forward to the new features!
Wohoooo congrats guys!!!
Stretch! Stretch! Stretch!
...or just copy stuff from the image viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1514&p=7480#p7480 lol just kidding,
Good job guys!!! :beer:
Hi guys,
I've just found Spine and it looks like a great product
I was wondering though, if I donate $100 on the second Kickstarter now, do I jump straight to a Pro license? Or would I have to purchase an Essentials license first ($60), then donate another $100 to the Kickstarter to upgrade to Pro?
Thanks in advance.
Hi Mike, the $100 reward on the Kickstarter is an Essential to Professional upgrade, so you'd need the $60 Essential in order to use it. You could buy Essential now and the Professional upgrade through the Kickstarter. This way you can use it now, as you won't get your Kickstarter license until it is over in 9 days. Also Kickstarter takes more fees than PayPal, so it's better for us too.
Cool features! we already have the Pro version but will definitly pledge something
Regarding Corona Graphics 2.0, we are currently developing a game using it and I just want to be clear if FFD can really be supported there.. As far as I understood in Corona you will only have the ability to change vertices that are on the border (What Corona refers to as the 'path'). So I have no 3D experience but I cant understand how from that you can add your own custom vertices and adjust them in real time. Is this something that Corona are going to add?
I can't say what Corona will add. If they only allow the vertices of a quad to be adjusted then we can still support FFD there, but only for images that have only 4 vertices. There may be other restrictions, eg they may not allow us to change the texture coordinates of the vertices. In this case you would have to use the 4 corners of your image instead of being able to place the vertices inside the image.
Thanks Nate, am looking forward to this, we might just port our new game to libGDX just for it it's really as you said "the next step".. I'm looking now at our character animations and they look so dull I just must have this feature!
I think for quads with 4 vertices you can do it (you can shift the coordinates of the texture in within the quad so the image and quad corners do not need to be aligned).
this is a clear "shut up and take my money!" feature
Backed. To be honest I'm surprised that there is less than 300 backers. Anyway thanks for all the hard work guys!
I think Nate is right in the kickstarter page. It should be possible to have mesh deformations in Corona, according to this:
OOOps, I was wrong, and so Nate was. I got a reply on the Corona forums from (I guess) a Corona developer:
"Nate is clearly talking without specific knowledge of Corona - so as it stands I'm still confidant that I'm correct.
That does not mean Corona won't make some changes (indeed, I've talked with Walter about this, and we both hope that a way can be found), but as it stands, Spline won't work.
It isn't the subdividing that is the problem (you just use an image sheet to generate the slices and stick them next to each other), it is the deformation. You can make the outer edge of an image any shape you want, but it is the internal deformation, as done by OGL, that is the issue.
I'll try to give an example:
Say you have an image.
You split it, using imagesheets and sprites, into a left half and a right half.
You now create 2 sprites, one from each half, and position them on screen, so you are looking at the whole image again.
Now, you want to deform this image along the middle line (IE the right hand edge of the left slice, and the left hand edge of the right slice).
You can indeed do this fine using the .path property, and as long as you move the 'paired' points on each image the same amount, it'll be 'fine'.
OK now, so far so good.
Now, move one of the other corners. IE from the left edge of the left half, or the right edge of the right half.
This is where it goes wrong.
The joined edge in the middle will now look wrong. The two halves won't match up, breaking the single image 'look' of the two sprites.
This is because of the perspective distortion. I have an example here:
Note how the edge between the two floor tiles doesn't match up, despite the smaller squares all being the same size? This is because of the perspective effect. THIS is what currently goes wrong, and prevents Spine from doing what it claims - or rather, doing it without large graphical glitches.
It isn't Nate or anyone lying, it is just them not understanding the current (and I stress 'current') limitations placed on quad distortions by Corona / OGL. I won't argue more here as frankly I'm ambivalent about the whole Spine thing, but if I find time I'll knock up a small demo to illustrate the point. Just do bear in mind that the Spine guys are talking about Corona without actually having looked at G2 and its capabilities and limitations.
Bad luck for me, will try another SDK...
:hi: I would not attempt using multiple sprites for a single image. As I mentioned a few posts ago, if Corona only supports moving corner vertices then you'll only be able to use 4 vertices in your meshes. I've updated the KickStarter text about Corona to make it clear.
Thanks Nate, just to be clear. I did not think anyone was trying to lie or anything like that, I just thought it was a misunderstanding and hoped I am actually not understanding something and it will be possible… too bad.
On the bright side we are giving libGDX a try might even convert the game we started in Corona but first we want to do some initial tests to really see how faster it runs.
libGDX being the priority runtime and us loving spine is really our motivation behind this move,
libgdx is hard to beat, IMHO.
I think he mentioned estimated releases in the Kickstarter.
He says 3 posts ago that he will try to get Meshes and FFD in two month time after the kickstarter, and of course that's only an estimate, just to give you an idear but no precise date.