• Unity
  • [Skeleton Graphics] Skeleton Utility - Spawn Hierarchy

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Hi Herald,

Is there a reason why there is no Skeleton utility - Spawn Hierarchy for Skeleton Graphics?

We would like to follow text bones with TextMeshProUI.

Thank you, Marek.

Herald, can I help with this one? We need it for our in game UI badly. :-) :-) ;-)

Thanks for offering help, just saw your message briefly after finishing the implementation, so everything was on its way just in time already :nerd: .It turned out to be more effort than anticipated, but nevertheless it's done now (SkeletonUtilityConstraints shall now work with SkeletonGraphic as well).

You can help by additional testing however, let me know if anything is not working as expected or broken that was not covered by my own tests. Please find the updated unitypackages here as usual:
Spine Unity Download

I am running spine json and binary files both in Unity. In which, I can smoothly use the skeleton of the particular spine but whenever I use the graphic of the particular spine, the performance of specific spine is corrupts or jitters. so please give me a proper idea to run a graphic in Unity using Spine :zipper:

Thanks a lot Herald. :-) Will update you if I find anything not working.

Just for people who want to check out unity runtime directly from github. You can use SVN command line for that.

svn export



force "https://github.com/EsotericSoftware/spine-runtimes/trunk/spine-unity/Assets/Spine/" "MyDirectory/Spine"
svn export



force "https://github.com/EsotericSoftware/spine-runtimes/trunk/spine-csharp/src/" "MyDirectory/Spine/Runtime/spine-csharp/src"

Herald, works lovely. https://www.dropbox.com/s/wcth3rlki1lpumu/GAMEPLAYUI.mp4?dl=0

Thank you. :-)

samajgame2018 a écrit

I am running spine json and binary files both in Unity. In which, I can smoothly use the skeleton of the particular spine but whenever I use the graphic of the particular spine, the performance of specific spine is corrupts or jitters. so please give me a proper idea to run a graphic in Unity using Spine :zipper:

samajgame2018, sorry to hear that you are facing problems with SkeletonGraphic! In general, please open a new thread for a question that does not match the heading of an existing recent thread. That keeps things more organized and easier to follow.

Regarding the actual question: SkeletonGraphic should run equally well as SkeletonAnimation without any issues. Could you please send us your problematic assets (the three files imported in Unity) as a zip package to contact@esotericsoftware.com, then we can have a look at it.

foriero a écrit

Herald, works lovely. https://www.dropbox.com/s/wcth3rlki1lpumu/GAMEPLAYUI.mp4?dl=0
Thank you. :-)

Glad to hear, looks very cool indeed! 🙂 Thanks for the quick feedback!

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