• Unity
  • How to access via code to spine skins

So I'm working in a custom character editor and I need to access different skins for each different part of the character, for instance:

Skins to combine:
HEADS: Blonde woman, Bald man, Young guy, etc.
TORSOS: Blue shirt, leather jacket, red t-shirt, etc.
LEGS: Trousers, skirt, etc.

However, I was wondering how to navigate in real time through skins. I don't know if there is some sort of array per folder, or an unorganized array with all skins in there, and how to access it. Any idea if there is anything like this possible?

Thanks in advance!

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You can access data shared by multiple instances in the Data fields, e.g. this.Skeleton.Data.

ExposedList<Skin> skins = this.Skeleton.Data.Skins;
foreach (Skin skin in skins) {