UPDATE: The game is now available across Canada and Australia!
iOS: https://apps.apple.com/ca/app/election-year-knockout/id1475845507
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.exceptionullgames.election.knockout
For everyone else, we are still offering early access through the game's website: electionyearknockout.com
Join our Discord server for detailed changelogs and discussion: https://discordapp.com/invite/VDUbRat
When debate failed, the United States turned to boxing to solve all its problems. Literally.
Join our closed alpha test at https://www.exceptionullgames.com/knockout-beta
Battle your favorite (or least favorite) political personalities to gain electoral votes as you ascend to the presidency. Election Year Knockout is a light-hearted, comical boxing game for iOS and Android inspired by the PunchOut series.
Nearly everything you see in the game is made with Spine. We combine our love of traditional frame-by-frame animation techniques with Spine's powerful puppeteering system to give life and personality to the fighters, front and center, at a rock-solid 60fps. The power of Spine has allowed us to do some very unique things, and it has given our artists the freedom to drive the game engine directly through their animations. Characters dance across the screen, split in two, fire cannonballs at you and, in one case, a single Spine file drives two different characters so that you can battle a particularly agitated bird.
The game is slated to launch worldwide in February 2020.