red1990 a écrit骨骼对应的unity中的世界坐标如何获得?
How is the world coordinate in unity corresponding to the skeleton obtained?
组件附加到它上面。 然后它将每帧更新它的位置以匹配骨骼位置。
The easiest way in Unity is to create a separate GameObject and attach a BoneFollower
component to it. It will then update it's location every frame to match the bone position.
red1990 a écrit插槽下的图片可以获得吗?
Can I get the picture under the slot?
You can query the current attachment at a slot as follows:
var attachment = skeletonAnimation.Skeleton.FindSlot(“slotname”)。附件;
// string attachmentName = attachment.Name;
What exactly are you trying to achieve?