• Unity
  • Snapping Issue

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tjbrunetto a écrit

Do I need to key everysingle keyframe and make sure that every single thing has a control variable on it?

Having a key on frame zero is sufficient. You don't need a key on every frame.

tjbrunetto a écrit

Track 0 is the idle animation, and track 1 and 2 are being mixed together in order to produce the aiming animation.

To correct the semantics: Tracks are layered, applied one on top of another. Animations on the same track are mixed when a mix duration is set.

Track 0 is idle, track 1 is aiming, track 2 is also aiming? Why?

tjbrunetto a écrit

The arm dips when those two tracks (1 and 2) are being phased into the nothing animation and track 0 is taking over and starting the idle animation.

You are setting an empty animation to mix out tracks 1 and 2 to nothing. The arm will transition from the track 1 and 2 poses to the idle animation. I don't understand the problem?

Dipping is where, on a track > 0, you are mixing out one animation and mixing in another. The dipping is when you see the pose from a lower track during that mixing. If you are mixing out animations, you can't be seeing dipping. It might help to show the AnimationState setAnimation calls you are making.

I dug up the video your sent a while ago. You seem to be playing a running animation on a lower track than the aiming animations. I think your best bet is to give us instructions on how to choose animations in Skeleton Viewer so we can see the problem.

Hi Nate,

So the entire process has changed entirely. All animations are now being controlled via the Unity Animator. I can make a video specifically showing you how we are choosing the animations and why. That may help solve issues for you. Both track 1 and 2 are being used for aiming because we are mixing between two separate animations, the mix between the two animations allows the character to smoothly aim from 0 to 180 degrees. I will make a video and send it on over to you. Ill send it to the same email as last time.


Got the email and video, thanks. I don't really see anything wrong with the back arm? Instead of saying that it dips, it may help to explain what it is doing that you don't want, and maybe slow it down so it can be more easily seen.

I'm afraid it is out of scope for us to fully understand how your animations are applied in your game. Instead, please use Skeleton Viewer to reproduce the problem, then provide instructions for us to do the same (what animations to play on what tracks, etc).

6 jours plus tard

I will take another video and slow it down so you can easily see the issue. Skeleton Viewer is its own package, I will attempt to get this to work, and see if I can figure out what is happening to the characters arm. Talk soon.

Just sent the video over to your email. I will attempt to get the skeleton viewer to work so I can see what is happening during gameplay.


Thanks for sending the video. I can see the back arm going down with a short stop/slowdown in the middle, I assume that is what you mean.
Unfortunately, as Nate pointed out, it will still be necessary to have a minimal demo project setup in e.g. SkeletonViewer.

I have skeleton viewer open and working. I am unsure of how to progress from here. I will do my best to follow the instructions from here on out. Are there any videos that explain how to use this properly? Are you able to take a skype call and walk me through this?
