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  • What is this unexpected padding on Spritesheet Export?

I'm trying to use the 'invisible image larger than entire animation' trick to make all the images align in the spritesheet that's exported.

I have been at this for hours, looked through the 3 pages given by searching 'Spritesheet' and looked around on Google, too. I was pretty sure I accomplished this somehow before, but I can't figure it out.

I have fiddled with just about every setting in the Atlas Export menu, and have arrived at the current setting yielding the closest desired results. [/img]

However, there is still this weird area around each image, that I don't understand what it is or what it's from.

Please help!

Thank you~

PS: My buffer image is 600x600 px, and I'm trying to fit them into 6 by 6 sheets each.

Related Discussions

This question has some points in common with this other one:

I'd recommend avoiding whitespace stripping to make sure every square retains the same size;
remember that if you select Alias the images that are exactly the same will just be exported at the first occurrence but not the next ones;
Packing Atlas might be the wrong setting, probably Grid is the setting you'd want in this case.
Do you need premultiply alpha? This setting is great for use in game engines as it reduces the file size but adds a grey border to your images (the alpha)
If you don't want space around your images, set the padding to 0 and uncheck Edge Padding

And probably it's this padding setting the main reason you saw all that space. (:

Thank you for the quick and comprehensive reply! Unfortunately, I am still having the padding show up for some reason.

I did study that post, and the user-guide section for Texture Exporting, and it all seemed to make sense, but I guess it may have gone over my head.

I had tried many settings, but I think this experience will teach me to make better decisions about messing with settings; i.e. I'm going to make a spreadsheet to track and document any changes based on single settings changed, rather than try it, fail, change another setting, try, and fail again.

Even with 0 Padding, unchecking Edge padding, unchecking remove whitespace, switching to Grid, and unchecking Pre. Alpha(Thank you for explaining that, btw; it was kind of confusing in the guide), I still have this odd space between images.

At one point I thought it could have even been something to do with the version I was using, since I was sure I managed to get this working a few months ago; but changing the version didn't help, either. (Not that it should have worked, in the first place)

Attached Below are the settings I used this time, as per your instruction, and the results. This is quite puzzling.

My guess is Spine thinks each of your images is that large, for some reason. You can check Debug and it'll draw magenta lines around the images. If you still have trouble, please send us your project so we can reproduce the problem. contact@esotericsoftware.com

I've received your mail and the answer is very simple, the images have a lot of transparent space that makes them so big Spine considers the canvas bigger than it should.

You said you've read that to ensure a certain dimension a transparent png was placed to cover the whole area of the animation. Unfortunately, all those transparent png spaces around your drawings add up following the exact same principle.

(see the gif below)

Ideally, you'd have to scale them down and realign each piece.
Otherwise, a quick and dirty solution would be to transform each huge image into a mesh, and then create a smaller area around it:

Thank you for your guys help! My issue has been resolved!

I replied here earlier, but I guess something is going on with my pc; and it didn't work, uhhh...

Anyway, I will try that mesh method soon. This time, I made duplicates of each image and just auto-cropped them, then realigned them as another image in each slot. And that revealed something I should have already been aware of- the moving background.

That space didn't make sense to me because it wasn't large enough, but it makes sense now with the moving background, too. That accounts for all that extra space.

Thanks again for the help!