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UE4 - Runtime Missing Plugin Errors
Started setting up the UE4 runtime for Spine and ran into these errors.
Pulled from Git, and running UE4: 4.18.3.
Any thoughts on what causes this error?
I've tried:
- Installing new version of UE4 (4.18.3)
- grabbing different versions of the plugin
- brand new clean project
- opening up the Spine project (this errored out as well not being able to find the spine.h file when trying to build the project)
- followed the directions both here http://esotericsoftware.com/spine-ue4 and on the Git repository
I'm guessing I dropped something in the wrong folder someplace, but I tried repeating the setup several times with the same result.
Also the plugins appear in the plugin list inside of UE4 but they are deactivated. When reactivating they throw these errors again.
Hm, could you show me the folder tree of your project?
Hm, that looks correct. I've tried to reproduce your issue in 4.17 and 4.18.3 with our sample project from our runtimes repository, but no luck. Could you please try the following:
- Git clone our spine-runtimes GitHub repository into a new folder
- Copy over the spine-c runtime as per Spine-UE4 Runtime Documentation
- In the spine-ue4/ folder of the clone runtimes repository, right click the SpineUE4 and select "Generate Visual Studio Project files"
- Open SpineUE4.sln by double clicking
- Run the solution in Visual Studio
Ok. I went through those steps and got some errors as it failed out.
Also it asks if I want to run the last successful build (which there wasn't so it tries to open it as it was synced), gives me this dialogue.
If I choose yes it starts to build but then fails out with 'SpineUE4 could not be compiled. Try rebuilding from source manually.'
Have you created an empty C++ project on this particular PC? It has to be C++ project, not BP.
I haven't created C++ project on this PC!
I will look at that next.
Thank you.
That'd explain it. Thanks KlarKKenT for pointing that out! Sometimes the obvious evades me.
@KlarKKenT - That was totally it. Thanks for pointing me in that direction!
@badlogic - Thanks for working through it with me. Much appreciated!
@[supprimé], Awesome! Happy that it helped - we had this issue with launching our project on artist pcs before)
@badlogic Maybe it makes sense to add it somewhere in FAQ, cuz I would assume this could happen fairly often.