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  • weight issue

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when i rotate the bone and restore its rotation .... the mesh gets tangled ....
1) in 1st attempt i simply rotated the bone clockwise twice and re-rotated it anticlockwise twice ...
2) in 2nd attempt i did the same and then pressed ctrl+z (undo)
3) i copied the rotation value ,then rotated the bone several times and pasted the exact same value again in the rotation field

all of them gave some kind of weird shape to the mesh except for the 2nd one

Sorry for the troubles. I didn't get it form the video, what Spine version are you using? 3.6.36?

There's definitely something strange going on here. I've just checked with 3.6.37 down to 3.6.32 where this seems to happen. It looks like you don't need to rotate the bones 360, rotating back and forth it is enough.

Sorry for the trouble. We'll get this bug sorted!

Shiu got it right .... i had faced this problem in 3.6 beta versions but forgot to post it .... currently i am using 3.7.01 beta

I think it has always been like this. Moving bones in setup mode is incrementally applying compensation to the weights. With such extreme movement, the vertices are moved to positions that lose information about the original pose. Then when you move them back, the resulting pose is identical (or not even close). We will still look into what can be done, but I don't have high hopes. I believe Shiu created an issue (but didn't link it here, bad Shiu!).

un mois plus tard

Erikari directed me to this post. For future reference, this is most likely what was happening to me, described here:
meshes breaking
broken meshes
knowing what's the bug is a big step forward to me T_T thank you for pointing it out!