Hi there,
I didn't know where to ask so I'll ask here 🙂
I have found some nice animated graphics on OpenGameArt (https://opengameart.org/content/animated-top-down-survivor-player?page=1) that were created with Spine.
I downloaded the trial version of Spine but when I load the spine files from OGA, at least one of the limbs (left arm) is all warped and it doesn't look right. I am thinking this is because it was created with an older version of Spine.
So I have asked the author which version was used and googled where I found the following article (http://esotericsoftware.com/forum/Spine-editor-and-runtime-version-management-6534) which sounds really good.
However in the trial version it is locked to the latest version so I can not rewind versions and test to ensure that the limb will behave.
As well as that, the trial does not export JSON so I can not even export the darn asset to try it with my framework because only the .spine files were supplied on OGA, not any exported JSON files sigh
$69 is a lot of money to me and I really wouldn't want to purchase the product, find out it is not fit for purpose, and then be stuck with something that I don't need.
Is there any solution? Or do I just go elsewhere?
Maybe somebody could even download it and check that the version can be rewound, the limb works correctly, and export the JSON for me to try in my framework? that would work I suppose 🙂