• Editor
  • [Cocos2D iPhone] Cannot get example to run

Hello, so I was hoping to not have to resort to this, but I am completely confused at the moment. I did the stupid thing earlier and tried to integrate Spine into my already setup project earlier. It appeared to work (program ran etc) but nothing actually appeared on the screen besides my non-Spine background (kind of a problem) so I decided to run the example in its own project to see what I was doing wrong exactly.

I set it up as similarly as I could to the last post in this topic: http://www.esotericsoftware.com/forum/v ... ?f=3&t=824
Everything seems to be linking up fine, though I did have one odd error that I also "fixed" in my main project. The error is that CCSkeleton.h tries to be of type (after @interface)

CCSkeleton : CCRGBAProtocol <CCBlendProtocol>

or something of the sort, and after an entire project I found that the current class is instead

 CCSkeleton : CCLayer <CCRGBAProtocol, CCBlendProtocol>

I replaced it, and it looked like the error was fixed (built and ran with no errors etc). However I'm starting to wonder if that is the case with my latest issue.

So I made that change, and grabbed the .atlas etc files from your example project on github (where I found the rest of the files) and put them into my project. However, when I run the project, it crashes as soon as it chnages from the IntroLayer to the ExampleLayer. It shows a brief white screen then comes up with an error. The error is in assembly before breakpoints, but afterwards points me to the draw function of CCSkeleton.m, specifically the line:

ccColor3B color = self.color;

I have no idea how or why this would be an issue, as there aren't any errors or suggested changes by XCode and everything seems to check out based on what I know. Any ideas?

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It works out of the box so it sounds like you have the wrong version of cocos2d?
cocos2d-2.1rc0-x-2.1.2 or later.
cocos2d-iphone v2.1-rc1 or later.

That was indeed the issue, I knew it was something simple. I should've followed the usual "update everything possible before seeking further help" adage. Thanks for the help!