Hey guys,
I'm trying to port the löve2d runtime to Codea since its the closes one. http://codea.io
The code I have right now should be able to render spine data completely - but interestingly it only work for attachments of type
and for some attachments of type
– Let me explain.
When I run fallowing examples all renders 100% correct: "dragon", "alien", "spineboy"
But e.g. "goblins" only renders the shield and spear. Everything else gets skipped. This is confusing, since I think that these attachments are actually mesh types. I tried to debug and quickly noticed that not each loop through
actually finds an
. How can this be? (Inside LÖVE this renders ok.)
What my renderer does:
- I define a new "Actor" class for convenience. This will hold all skeleton data, animations states and methods for modifying the skeleton (playing animations, changing skins, etc)
- Next, I load all required libraries, functions and json and atlas files.
- Then comes the actual renderer. Meshes are working a little differen here than in LÖVE.
We do not pass a combined table of all vertices, uvs and colors and then supplying a map-table for the triangles (indices) to render the mesh, Instead we have separate buffers for each of them. One buffer for vertices (triangulated) one for their UVs and one for their colors.
Inside the draw() method I first call updateWorldTransform() to have updated bones to work with.
Next, I begin looping through the skeleton.drawOrder.
For each slot.attachment I expect to receive vertices, triangles and a texture, unless the slot is empty.
This information is immediately applied to the mesh, by first clearing and instantly rebuilding it.
This data gets splitted for the different buffers and is send to the GPU which eventually renders the mesh.
This process is repeated for each slot.attachment.
As far as I understand:
Vertices: describe the rectangular region of the attachment
Indices: describe the index of the vertex to choose from Vertices in order to finally get a list of triangulated faces for the mesh
Texture: is the spritesheet (Hopefully that texture is cached and not completely loaded for each attachment?)
I checked everything manually. All vertices and UVs seem to be translated ok. For all cases. It should all work, but i doesn't. What am I missing here? Why is the goblin not rendered as expected?
local QUAD_TRIANGLES = {1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 1}
local table_insert = table.insert
spine = {}
spine.Actor = class()
spine.utils = require "spine-lua.utils"
spine.SkeletonJson = require "spine-lua.SkeletonJson"
spine.SkeletonData = require "spine-lua.SkeletonData"
spine.BoneData = require "spine-lua.BoneData"
spine.SlotData = require "spine-lua.SlotData"
spine.IkConstraintData = require "spine-lua.IkConstraintData"
spine.Skin = require "spine-lua.Skin"
spine.Attachment = require "spine-lua.attachments.Attachment"
spine.BoundingBoxAttachment = require "spine-lua.attachments.BoundingBoxAttachment"
spine.RegionAttachment = require "spine-lua.attachments.RegionAttachment"
spine.MeshAttachment = require "spine-lua.attachments.MeshAttachment"
spine.VertexAttachment = require "spine-lua.attachments.VertexAttachment"
spine.PathAttachment = require "spine-lua.attachments.PathAttachment"
spine.Skeleton = require "spine-lua.Skeleton"
spine.Bone = require "spine-lua.Bone"
spine.Slot = require "spine-lua.Slot"
spine.IkConstraint = require "spine-lua.IkConstraint"
spine.AttachmentType = require "spine-lua.attachments.AttachmentType"
spine.AttachmentLoader = require "spine-lua.AttachmentLoader"
spine.Animation = require "spine-lua.Animation"
spine.AnimationStateData = require "spine-lua.AnimationStateData"
spine.AnimationState = require "spine-lua.AnimationState"
spine.EventData = require "spine-lua.EventData"
spine.Event = require "spine-lua.Event"
spine.SkeletonBounds = require "spine-lua.SkeletonBounds"
spine.BlendMode = require "spine-lua.BlendMode"
spine.TextureAtlas = require "spine-lua.TextureAtlas"
spine.TextureRegion = require "spine-lua.TextureRegion"
spine.TextureAtlasRegion = require "spine-lua.TextureAtlasRegion"
spine.AtlasAttachmentLoader = require "spine-lua.AtlasAttachmentLoader"
spine.Color = require "spine-lua.Color"
spine.utils.readJSON = json.decode
function spine.utils.readFile(file_name, base_path)
local src = lfs.read(base_path and base_path.."/"..file_name or file_name)
return src
function spine.utils.readImage(file_name, base_path)
return image(spine.utils.readFile(file_name, base_path))
function spine.Actor:init(base_path, json_file, atlas_file)
base_path = base_path or lfs.DROPBOX
local image_loader = function(file) return spine.utils.readImage(file, base_path) end
local atlas_data = spine.TextureAtlas.new(spine.utils.readFile(atlas_file, base_path), image_loader)
local skeleton_data = spine.SkeletonJson.new(spine.AtlasAttachmentLoader.new(atlas_data))
self.skeleton = spine.Skeleton.new(skeleton_data:readSkeletonDataFile(json_file, base_path))
self.mesh = mesh()
self.mesh.vertex_buffer = self.mesh:buffer("position")
self.mesh.texture_buffer = self.mesh:buffer("texCoord")
self.mesh.color_buffer = self.mesh:buffer("color")
function spine.Actor:draw()
for i, slot in ipairs(self.skeleton.drawOrder) do
local attachment = slot.attachment
if attachment then
local texture = attachment.region.renderObject.texture
local vertices = attachment:updateWorldVertices(slot, true)
local triangles
if attachment.type == spine.AttachmentType.region then triangles = QUAD_TRIANGLES
elseif attachment.type == spine.AttachmentType.mesh then triangles = attachment.triangles end
if triangles then
local faces = {}
local uvs = {}
local colors = {}
local blend_mode = slot.data.blendMode
if blend_mode == spine.BlendMode.additive then blendMode(ADDITIVE)
elseif blend_mode == spine.BlendMode.multiply then blendMode(MULTIPLY)
elseif blend_mode == spine.BlendMode.screen then blendMode(ONE, ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR)
else blendMode(NORMAL) end
blend_mode == spine.BlendMode.normal and undefined
triangulate and supply to GPU
for j, id in ipairs(triangles) do
listed in cw order
local pos = id * 8 - 8
local vert = vec2(vertices[pos + 1], vertices[pos + 2])
local uv = vec2(vertices[pos + 3], 1 - vertices[pos + 4])
flip y
local r = vertices[pos + 5] * 255
local g = vertices[pos + 6] * 255
local b = vertices[pos + 7] * 255
local a = vertices[pos + 8] * 255
table_insert(faces, vert)
table_insert(uvs, uv)
table_insert(colors, color(r, g, b, a))
self.mesh.texture = texture