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  • Ease of Use UI Proposals - Improved Tree & Animation

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That makes sense. We'll make it so selecting the draw order slot or the slot under the bone actually selects both.

Actually, I tried but it cascaded into a huge project. Will look for an easier way.

We now highlight slot/draw order slot when other is selected and mouse is not over tree. Will do better highlighting later and for more things, like select a constraint, highlight bones.

:yes: :handshake:

Thanks for your quick responses, and willingness to work on solutions! We really appreciate all that you've done with the product, and everything you are continuing to do. It is a huge help to us — thank you!

Improvements? :hi:

  1. I'd love that in the tree, being able to select like 10 bones, then duplicate them in one click. We can at the moment only delete them in one click. I'd love more 😢

  2. There's no filter for the puzzle icon button. The skin icon. Lately, I could have a great use of this.

  3. I'd love to be able to save and load different workspaces. Like a new button:

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    Or even that the customization is stored in the spine file.

  4. In the dopesheep, I don't know why you guys have changed this: previously, it was really clear if your image was visible or not. I was told a visible image has a yellow rectangle color. That was in the previous Spine versions. Now I wonder why it's with another gray. It's nooooot clear at all. I know the Shear tool is in yellow, that's maybe why you changed. But having two colors is so quick to see. Sometimes, I missed some dark gray color, because I don't see them. :doh:

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  5. In the animate view, I wish some rulers could be displayed (or hidden), and of course some guides. I'm working on a map at the moment, and sometimes, when I add some assets, I'd love to be very precise about the position.

  6. About the bounding box, it's too bad we can't create a rectangle. We can only put points, but they never will be on a straight line, there's no coordinates for a point.

  7. I'd like to know at which zoom I am.

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1) If duplicate worked on multiple bones, it may not be clear where they should be parented. You can duplicate a parent bone and it will duplicate all bones under it.

2) There is a filter for skin placeholders. Are you on the latest?

3) View layouts could be nice. FWIW, the layout is saved in the prefs.json file in your Spine user directory. You could juggle those files to swap layouts, but you'd have to restart Spine.
Windows: <user home folder>\Spine\
Mac: <user home folder>/Library/Application Support/Spine/
Linux: <user home folder>/.spine/

4) We'll see what we can do to make "no attachment" keys more clear.

5) I've personally never had a need for rulers, so it's hard to see the use case. Are you using the Photoshop or similar script so you don't have to position manually?

6) We'd like to do rectangles and circles in the future.

7) We'll consider showing the zoom level.

1) You got a point. I didn't knew for the parent one.

2) I'm on 3.4.02

3) Thanks for the clarifications

4) Glad to read that 8)

5) I'm indeed using the photoshop script, but I'm often bringing up some new things in my spine file. And as I'm used to Photoshop, I'm used to its rulers and guides, veeery useful.

6) Love that 🙂

7) Cool. I know it's bonus, but it can help.

6 mois plus tard

Hey guys. Thanks for all of the recent improvements! I've been able to add some really cool new features to the skeleton I've been working on, which I hope to show off on the forums sooner than later. Continually impressed by all of your hard work.

I did want to reiterate a couple of requests I had made a while back (farther up in this same thread), since they would significantly speed up my workflow for our skeletons. Let me know what you think:


ryancbaker a écrit

I would like to be able to change the (constrained) bone or target of a constraint once it's been created.

nate a écrit

This is just a matter of us handling everything to make this happen. We'd like to do it, but it's low priority.

  1. This one is actually my higher priority of the two:
    ryancbaker a écrit

    I would like to be able to duplicate a constraint to another bone - same target, same constraint settings, but applied to a different bone.

    nate a écrit

    This is similar, it's just a bit of work. It's a little complicated because there may be more than one new constrained bone to choose, and you may want to change the target instead of constrained bones. Also low priority for now, as there is a looot to do.

I would accept whatever the simplest implementation of this, whatever it might be. Some alternative solutions that would be fine for me:

A) If I could duplicate a constraint itself and change the referenced bones of this duplicate, that would accomplish my goal.

B) Or, if I could duplicate a Bone "B" and this would also duplicate all of its constraints, bust only those constraints where Bone B is constrained by other bones - this would NOT copy any constraints where Bone B was the target of the constraint, since this would create a conflict.

For example, in our current workflow for creating skeletons, I have a series of about 50 bones that all need to be constrained by the same single "master" bone that controls their rotation. It gets pretty tiring to duplicate these bones and then re-constrain them to the "master" bone on each new skeleton if/when I have to recreate these constraints.

One other thing - I don't understand how the new "Save As" functionality is supposed to work. Maybe I'm just missing something, but I was completely unable to re-save my file under a new filename using the Save As dialog box. I'm currently on version 3.6.18-beta. I'm going to feel really dumb if the answer is super obvious! :$

Thanks again!

ryancbaker a écrit

One other thing - I don't understand how the new "Save As" functionality is supposed to work. Maybe I'm just missing something, but I was completely unable to re-save my file under a new filename using the Save As dialog box. I'm currently on version 3.6.18-beta. I'm going to feel really dumb if the answer is super obvious! :$

In the "Save As" dialog, click "Browse" or click a folder in the "Folders" list. You should get a native "Save Project" window by doing that.

Shiu a écrit
ryancbaker a écrit

One other thing - I don't understand how the new "Save As" functionality is supposed to work. Maybe I'm just missing something, but I was completely unable to re-save my file under a new filename using the Save As dialog box. I'm currently on version 3.6.18-beta. I'm going to feel really dumb if the answer is super obvious! :$

In the "Save As" dialog, click "Browse" or click a folder in the "Folders" list. You should get a native "Save Project" window by doing that.

I had tried that, and just tested it again, and it still did not work for me. My file is labeled as #45 (char_proto_v045), and I tried to do a "save as" to rename and resave it as "45test" (char_proto_v045test). It puts the new filename in the "files" list (see attachment), but does not actually save the file. I looked in my folder, and do not see any file by the new name either. If I then just hit CTRL+S to save, it saves as the original filename (char_proto_v045), or in some cases (on my Mac) it just opens the Save As dialog again. If I manually go to the Spine menu and hit "Save" it continues to save under the old filename (still v045). So I still cannot save under a new filename at all.

25 jours plus tard

Sweet! Thank you Nate. I figured the Save-As issue might be a bug. Thank you for looking into it, and glad to hear that the other items are still on your radar!

Thank you guys so much for the 3.6.31 feature that allows constraint editing. It's a life saver.

I meant to post here to let you know, but you're already on top of it! 🙂 3.6.32 has been release, so 3.6 is finally out of beta! We'll do a proper announcement after the weekend.

3 mois plus tard

Great info! I was looking for a topic related to the tree and UX.

I have another request, currently CTRL + SHIFT + Arrow Key (UP\ DOWN) allow you to cycle through the tree hierarchy, but they stop after reaching the end of a parent\child tree. Can we have a feature where it'll automatically jump to the next parent?


That would be useful, thanks. In 3.6.41 we've added alt + up/down for moving the tree selection up/down and alt + left/right to collapse/expand the current node.