Hi we have exported atlas from spine via command line into unity but the atlas png is not recognized by unity as texture. Has anything changed?
class: json,
project: "",
output: "",
extension: .json,
format: JSON,
prettyPrint: False,
nonessential: True,
createAtlas: True,
texturePacker : {
pot: True,
paddingX: 2,
paddingY: 2,
edgePadding: True,
duplicatePadding: False,
rotation: True,
minWidth: 16,
minHeight: 16,
maxWidth: 2048,
maxHeight: 2048,
square: False,
stripWhitespaceX: False,
stripWhitespaceY: False,
alphaThreshold: 0,
filterMin: Linear,
filterMag: Linear,
wrapX: ClampToEdge,
wrapY: ClampToEdge,
format: RGBA8888,
alias: True,
outputFormat: png,
jpegQuality: 0.9,
ignoreBlankImages: True,
fast: False,
debug: False,
combineSubdirectories: True,
flattenPaths: False,
premultiplyAlpha: True,
useIndexes: False,
bleed: False,
limitMemory: True,
grid: False,
scale: [ 1 ],
scaleSuffix: [ "" ],
atlasExtension: .atlas.txt,
Ok. Not bug on your side. It is new import pipeline in Unity 5.5.