• Unity
  • Transition animation just not working Q.q

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I've been quite successfully flagging states to fire different animations, however in this iteration of code my transition animation (such as 'trans_fallToIdle' or 'jump') not playing right! (mostly just don't play)
I do think the problem is my idle animation (idle_1) conflicting anything else to play right, so I do get some transition playing when I just omit the idle animation....
Any tips would be much appreciated!!!

void Update()
    actStat = player.moveStat;
    #region On ground animations
    if (player.onGround)
        if (!player.isMoving)
            if (!player.isFalling)
                if (!player.isJumping)
                    if (actStat == MoveStat.idleNotCombat)
                        SetAnim("idle_1", true);

    else if (player.isMoving)
        if (actStat == MoveStat.walking)
            SetAnim("walk", true);
        else if (actStat == MoveStat.running)
            SetAnim("run", true);
        else if (actStat == MoveStat.backWalking)
            SetAnim("walk", true);
    else if (player.isJumping)
        SetAnim("jump", false);
else if (!player.onGround)
    if (player.isFalling)
        if (player.nearLand)
            SetAnim("trans_fallToIdle", false);
        else if (!player.nearLand)
            SetAnim("fall", true);


What's SetAnim?

Pharan a écrit

What's SetAnim?

Its what I put SetAnimation in method. Same to AddAnim. Sorry for the poor presentation I've got too many things going on outside of this method.

MoveStat is the state categorizing via enum
SetAnim & AddAnim are SetAnimation & AddAnimation
isFalling and isJumping are bools comparing last yAxis with current.