AlstonA I'm sorry, but my log file was overwritten. However I did record a video of the issue (it is unlisted so I've provided a link). So this has happen to me before, while working with meshes, I selected two meshes while holding down ctrl. When this happens, it flips the image on it's y-axis. Undo doesn't fix the issue. If I scub the timeline or play the timeline while this has happen (with autokey on), it creates new keys at every frame the timeline touches the frames can be deleted; but if it's saved and closed, you will have to redo-this over again. Specs: Intuos4 XL Windows 10(64-bit) 16 gb ram Radeon R7 graphics card Spine (Version: 3.4.02)
Nate Can you explain how to cause this to happen? We would love to fix it. Do you have a project where the problem can be reproduced? If so can email the .spine file?
Pharan Thanks for the video though. I tried to copy this setup, down to all the active options. I couldn't repro. But I hope we finally get to the bottom of this. Likely other things happening under the hood. Possibly nothing to do with the meshes... or maybe it does. Related? Autokeying like crazy I can't play the video though.
Nate If you have reproduction steps, we are happy to look at it. Without that we'd have to encounter the problem by accident, which has proven unlikely so far.
pag Here, very simple steps. Also finishing the video with a Spine crash when I want to create and drag a new point in a Mesh Edit. Spine 3.4.02 Mac OS 10.11.6 Let me know if you need anything. Thank you.
Xelnath I had this happen to me too - was also on Mac OS - and I still don't know exactly what happened 🙂
AlstonA I have seen it pop up once recently while working with Spine; but, because it's such a rare instance. The moment it happens I close and restart Spine because of the situation I am in. I do however realize that it happens while selecting mesh points, and that it happens while using Spine for a prolonged amount of time. It could honestly be an issue on Java's side rather than the program itself.