• Unity
  • [Unity] Strange shaking/dizzying animation behavior

Hi friends,

I got a very strange shaking on my character animation, and can't figure why 😢 video:

I need help, any suggestion will be much appreciated :handshake:

Thanks in advance :beer: !

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Looks like your follow-camera might be updating at a different rate as your character is moving. Possibly because you're using a rigidbody and the physics update rate is staggered/slower than your camera is tracking.

Replace the Spine character animation with a plain box and see if it still happens.

Yeah Pharan you're right, I'm using Pro Camera 2D in my project, and the Update Type was by default on "Late Update", I changed to Fixed Update and seems to render more fine and smooth. Thanks a lot Pharan!

For anyone reading this in the future, this had nothing to do with Spine.