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Copying animation issue
Hey guys,
So I have been working with spine no problems for a while, and from what I can recall, I was able to duplicate fully constructed bones/mesh systems and they would retain all the same animation data on the duplicates. I am not sure if this is something to do with a recent update or not, but I cant seem to be able to do this anymore and would like to know if anyone else is having this issue, or if this issue is being worked on at the moment.
Similarly to this issue is that I am currently unable to copy animations between meshes/bones whatsoever...
Having read up online, it was said that '... you can now copy and paste FFD keys from one mesh to another, as long as both meshes have the same number of vertices. This can be helpful in the situation where you can't use a linked mesh, so you can duplicate the mesh, then copy and paste the keys.'
So I know this definitely was a thing I was able to do before and I'm not crazy, but as mentioned, this is no longer working for me... I cant seem to copy ANY animation from any bone or any mesh to another. I can only copy keys from the same bone/mesh to somewhere else on its own timeline.
Here are some images that illustrate the issue:
Original Bone/Mesh System: Image supprimée en raison de l'absence de support de HTTPS. | Afficher quand même Image supprimée en raison de l'absence de support de HTTPS. | Afficher quand même
Duplicated Bone/Mesh System: Image supprimée en raison de l'absence de support de HTTPS. | Afficher quand même Image supprimée en raison de l'absence de support de HTTPS. | Afficher quand même
(I had to add a blank rotate keyframe to display that there was no animation on the bone)
Duplicating doesn't duplicate the related keys in the animation. It has always been this way.
How are you trying to copy deform keys? Select the deform keys, copy, select a different mesh, paste. It appears the different mesh needs to be the visible attachment for its slot.
Hey Nate,
Thanks for pointing that out. Turns out I was trying to duplicate frames from more than 1 single mesh/skeleton at a time which didn't work as I was expecting. Although tedious you obviously need to do it 1 at a time.
Thanks for the help!