Ron Anderson Hello everyone, Ever since the introduction of the shear tool I have not been able to successfully export a json file. The file appears to export fine but when I try to view the file in the skeleton viewer it gives me an "error loading skeleton" message. I only receive the message if the shear tool has been keyed. The programmer I am working with tells me the file is unable to load in Unity as well. Please help. Thank you, Ron
Nate Have you updated your Skeleton Viewer and spine-unity to the latest? If you are still having a problem, please post or email a .spine file.
Ron Anderson Thanks Nate, I deleted the skeleton viewer and downloaded the new one and it works just fine. I will tell the programmer tomorrow to update if he hasn't already.
Nate Note spine-unity currently works with exports from editor version 3.2.01. More here: Spine editor and runtime version management
Ron Anderson Thanks Nate, we are currently using Spine version 3.2.01 any idea when spine-unity will be compatible with version 3.3.05? We have some animations using the newest version of Spine.
Black Hive Just ran into an import error using shear keyframes as well. Unity would not recognize it (5.4.2), after deleting shear keyframes it imported fine. (Spine 3.4.02, launcher 3.4.04)