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I have tk2d and i was going to import but...
I was wondering for those that have done it with and without tk2d, what is the benefit of using tk2d? I have made multiple titles with it but it seems to me that it is not necessary.
Also I use playmaker... not sure if that makes a difference.
Does it help reduce image size? Did some people find it easier? Or should I just learn to use the import method of the regular spine-unity?
I would really appreciate any feedback on this!
Looks like no one replied so I will.. I use 2D tool kit. mainly because of the batching. With Spine. Plus it keeps my file size down.. I do the same with NGUI..I use 2D tool kit with NGUI for the file size for images mainly.. NGUI has atlas sure, but each sprite no..I have tested and have my file size much lower with 2D tool kit Vs, unity and NGUI..
I hope that makes sense..
Great! thanks for the reply. I will try out 2D toolkit, makes me glad i still have the package available.
Not understanding this one really. You can create packing tags for sprites in unity and they will all atlas and batch without having to utilize the atlasing from tk2d.
Right but I am assuming that the batching system of tk2d optimizes the images better than unity.