Pharan Adobe Flash will be named Adobe Animate. I've always hated Flash's drawing and animation tools with a seething fury. But for all its shortcomings, Flash has one thing that I have not seen anywhere else: Being able to draw, animate and code in one place. And that's something super beneficial for beginner programmers and game developers, and for experienced developers who want to make quick prototypes. ... kinda makes me want to get into it. I'm not sad to see the Flash browser plugin die. And I'm glad to see Flash continue on as a general-purpose (interactive) animation platform that can export to nice, secure standards. That and to get improvements in its crappy-ass drawing tools. Won't miss the name.
Vincent_d Same feelings about drawing tools and etc. Curious to see where it goes but honestly, Spine finally made me settle down with videogame animation and i hope this what i will be using for a long period.
Pharan I was watching a couple of animators streaming animating using Adobe Animate. They're being quite vocal about memory usage being atrocious. Looks like Adobe has some more work ahead of them. On their end, I hope it's not a cesspool of legacy code.
Recon Being a UI designer , programmer and artist for games, I loved Flash, Scale Form... Scaleform is an amazing tool for UI.. Very hard to beat it when it comes to UI.. I can't stand HTML5 for UI... BLEH.. When it comes to Unity though I would use NGUI. But most other engines I loved my Flash. So i'm glad they are still keeping the tool around as far as that goes..