Not sure where to put this, so I'll just lump it in here. I'm a new Spine Pro licensee and I just wanted to take a moment to introduce myself and to say 'Thank you!' to the Spine devs. This program is amazing. I love it so much and I've only used it for a few days. Some of the stuff in the showcase section is mind-blowing. This application is obviously a labor of love.
I could sing Spine's praises all day: Wonderful, powerful (yet easy-to-use) tools...great, attractive UI! Super-flexible workflow. Great output to different platforms. Native Linux support! The list goes on. Spine follows many of the conventions I'm used to having from 3D tools, but doesn't over-complicate the process. Coming from Maya, Softimage, Messiah and Blender, I felt completely at-home with Spine's UI and workflow. It's such a polished and refined product.
I just started a freelance gig (wish I could mention what it is, but it's under NDA) and two-days in, I'm already productive with the tool. Spine has already paid for itself. Again, thank you for this wonderful application - it made my work life easier and the animation process more enjoyable.