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saving files
When saving my project all images seem to disappear and turn into red 'missing' images...
What's going on there? How can I upload the images into Spine? Doesn't seem to recognize any .png files...
Thanks for helping out!
Hi Nate,
I've tried this with little to no result. I can't seem to change the path to the images. No .png are recognized.
I believe there is a bug that has been fixed but not released yet where the Images path doesn't show after browsing to a new path. It has changed though, eg if you restart Spine you'll see the new path. You can also type a path in or copy/paste it from a file browser, then press enter.
Spine may have trouble opening some PNGs, eg Adobe includes a bunch of junk in PNGs unless you use Save for Web.
Keep in mind that you are not browsing for individual PNG's but rather the folders where the PNG's are contained. If you save a PNG with Photoshop and do not use "Save for web" make sure your image mode is set to 8bits/channel.
Thank you both! Problem solved