After you have successfully completed the spine, it is no longer able to start again.
I'm sorry clumsy in English.
It is the user who is using a professional of the spine.
In the way that has produced an animation, image files only perform the replacement, after exit and save
When you try to start it again, it becomes movements as CPU processing very load is applied on startup,
Despite the spine of the icon is displayed on the task tray, attached to such images
It was freezes for more than 10 hours along with the mystery of the icon.

After you uninstall the spine, and have tried install and start again,
Both There is no change in the symptoms of the bug.
Please, help.
My environment
Windows7 Home Premium SP1
core i7-4770
spine Professional version 2.1.27 maybe newer.
After that, and go a full uninstall in "Revo uninstaller" the spine,
all the java delete "Version 8 Update 60" (the latest version at 15/09/17 time)
You can try to re-install, it was made or try to start the spine after you have deleted all the java,
It does not heal. All are also not start situation.
spine.log is the contents of the file.
Spine Launcher 2.2.05
Windows 7 x86 6.1
Java 1.7.0_06 Esoteric Software
32-bit Server VM
By the way, spine body is what you've been DL from the page that is written serial number.
help me. Please.