• Editor
  • Pixelated edges on art?

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Hi guys,

New user here - I'm loving Spine so far!
I have only one enquiry. I finished my first animation and, after exporting, I noticed some pixelated edges around my character. What can I do to fix this?

Kind Regards,

Can you show the problem?

Sure - I edited my original post to include the picture. You'll see the rough, pixelated edges mostly on the arms.

How do the source images look? Are you using meshes?

Looks normal on the original PNG files. I don't think I'm using meshes - it's my first animation and I'm not sure how to use that functionality yet. Sorry for the lack of information. Any guesses?

When images are rotated or scaled it no longer maps 1:1 from the source image to the screen. Texture filtering is the process of choosing which pixels to show. In the Spine settings there is an option to disable Linear filtering. If you've unchecked that then the filtering won't do any averaging and results in pixelation. If you have it checked, I'm not sure why it looks that way. You could email your project and I can take a look. contact@esotericsoftware.com

I checked my settings and Lineal Filtering is currently on. I'll email you the project so you can check it personally. Thank you, Nate!

Thanks. The reason is that you images have opaque pixels along the edge. Due to the way OpenGL texture filtering clamps edge pixels, you need 1-2 transparent pixels around the edge so they can be averaged and result in a smooth edge.

I see. The thing is, I exported it using the script that comes with Spine. How should I export it in a way that leaves 1-2 transparent pixels around each object?


Thanks Nate, I'll try it out and let you know.
