• Networking
  • Wanted:Studio of 3-5 Animators for high profile IP game

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My name is Jesse, and I am the animation director at DeNA Studios Canadahttp://denastudioscanada.com/. Currently I am looking to test (paid), and then hire a studio of 3-5 Spine animators (each with 5+ years animations experience) for a 2D high profile IP mobile game.

We need 90 complex characters, with many animations, animated by December. 70% of the animations are recycled from established characters needing touch up only, with the remainder being from scratch.

The game is a licensed world famous brand, and very awesome. The animation is challenging, high quality, and dynamically bad ass.

If any studios are interested please forward me a demo reel. If selected I will put you in touch with our outsourcing manager.

Happy Animating!

This is the real deal guys, it sounds like a great opportunity. Tweeted!


The contact form in your web site is the right email for job looking?
I just sent an email to apply.
My portfolio here at Spine forum: viewtopic.php?f=10&t=2709

Thank you,