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  • Combining skeletons - how?

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For some reason we have created our character in 2 separate skeletons - 1 for the head and 1 for the body. We would like to combine those into 1 skeleton now and also have all animations moved.

The obvious answer would be to choose the head bone in the head skeleton and choose "Set parent" and then choose the root bone in the body skeleton to reparent it. But when we choose "Set parent", everything in the hierarchy is greyed out. :bang:

How do we combine 2 skeletons with animations into 1 skeleton?

So I'm guessing that this function is supposed to work and that someone is working on implementing it? :p

Right now you can't. It doesn't make much sense to use two skeletons for the head and body either, what are you trying to achieve?

You can't set parenthood from one skeleton to another as they are two completely separate entities. In the future you will be able to use a skeleton as an atachment but not right now.

I can't remember exactly why we did it this way. We had a good reason at the time 😉
The question is, why even allow multiple skeletons in the same file if there are limitations on how you can use them?

Logically, the "Set parent" feature should still work the way I described. It doesn't make much sense not to allow moving hierarchies around within the tree.
And there is no copy/paste either? 🙁

The reason for having multiple skeletons in a single file is to be able to have some order in your workflow and to be able to export them all at once. I had a project with over 40 skeletons (couldn't be done with skins, and also each of them had 3 skins) and If I had to export each of them one by one I would probably have lost my head.

Setting parenthood beetween skeletons wouldn't make much sense as a skeleton is intended to be a whole object. If you are working separately with both parts of a single skeleton (for example: the head always looks to the mouse position while the rest of the body does other animations) It can be done easily with one single skeleton and it would be very confusing to load two skeletons at runtime just to have one single object (which will probably happen once skeleton atachments are in).

As for copypaste bones beetween skeletons that keep their own animations, it would be kinda nice, but I understand it has to be something very tricky to implement and slightly confusing to use as It should add and modify animations in the skeleton you are pasting to. It would be a nice suggestion anyway (although it should pop a warning when you use it)

19 jours plus tard

Sorry I'm late. Merging skeletons is more complex than it seems. What if bones or slots or animations have the same name? What you can do is export to JSON, merge the skeleton JSON, then import back into Spine.

2 mois plus tard

Hi guys,

How do you merge the skeleton JSON? I could not find the information on this, please let me know when you have a chance.

I'm trying to reuse an animation of a flying bugs but could not so far. In flash, there would by symbol you could reuse multiple time. any idea how can do the same in spine?

Thank you,

Merging json is difficult. Not sure you need that. It's just text, so you can use a text editor.

Reuse an animation of a flying bug how? At runtime you can have as many instances of a skeleton as you like.

un an plus tard


I got a similar problem that need combine 2 skeletons too.
The reason is I have 2 separate spine data now.
data1 : character(human type)
data2 : horse

I want that human character be able to ride on horse.

First I import both of them into one spine data.
But I can't set IK between 2 skeletons because they are not under same skeleton hierarchy.
So it's hard to animate a character that riding horse.
Or there is other way to set IK without combine 2 skeletons?

Thank you.

Just to clarify, by "spine data" I think you mean "Spine projects". The word "data" is used in the runtimes for the setup pose information.

Unfortunately there isn't a way to use IK across skeletons. Eventually we will have a skeleton attachment feature, where you can attach a whole skeleton to another skeleton's slot. You still wouldn't be able to use IK across skeletons, but this may help you animate two skeletons that move together. For now the most reasonable thing to do is to use a single skeleton containing both the horse and rider.

Thank you for the answer!
Yes, I mean "spine projects" sorry for the confusion.