Hello, we're currently in early production of a game, and trying to decide on an approach for our 2D animation. We've assessed several packages, and Spine looks to be among the best - but with one caveat. We're looking to provide good support for modders, but if we were to move forward with Spine, we can't expect our modders to have to pay $60 to create character content. We're wondering if there's a solution through some licencing arrangement with you, ie. for a version limited to only creating content for our game, with royalties paid to you?
Licencing for Modders
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When it comes to modding and using Spine, the key consideration is the use of the Spine Runtimes. If your game includes the Spine Runtimes, then anyone who wants to create or modify animations using Spine would need a Spine license. However, the assets created with Spine, such as project files and animation data, are the intellectual property of the creator and can be freely distributed. Unfortunately, there isn't a specific licensing arrangement that allows for a version of Spine limited to creating content for a specific game without requiring a license. Modders would need their own Spine license to use the Spine editor and the runtimes.
If your game uses the Spine Runtimes, there are 2 options for distribution:
- Distribute under the Spine Runtimes license: Each user of your product needs a Spine Editor license. This is most appropriate for game toolkits or FOSS.
- Distribute under the Spine Editor license: You can distribute and you can also allow 3rd parties to distribute, but if they make changes they need their own Spine Editor license. This means modders would need a Spine Editor license, as you stated.
There's not really a way to make a version of Spine that can only be used for your game. Nothing would stop people from exporting data and using it how they like.
Spine's cost might make using it as a tool for modders prohibitive, though it has happened. Many people have modded Slay the Spire and other games using Spine. I understand any friction for modders is not ideal but I don't see a way around it that keeps the intent of our licensing, which is that our Spine Runtimes are for Spine licensees.