Thank you for your feedback and suggestion regarding the PhotoshopToSpine script. It's great to hear that the recent updates have been helpful for you.
To address your request for resizing images with a specific aspect ratio and resample setting before running the script, it would indeed be a useful feature to add. Currently, the script does not support this functionality directly within the script window. However, you can manually resize your images in Photoshop using the nearest neighbor resample setting before running the script, as you have been doing.
For a more automated approach, you could consider adding a custom function to the script that handles the resizing process. Here is a basic example of how you might modify the script to include this functionality:
// Add this function to resize the image
function resizeImage(doc, width, height) {
var idImgS = charIDToTypeID("ImgS");
var desc = new ActionDescriptor();
var idWdth = charIDToTypeID("Wdth");
var idPxl = charIDToTypeID("#Pxl");
desc.putUnitDouble(idWdth, idPxl, width);
var idHght = charIDToTypeID("Hght");
desc.putUnitDouble(idHght, idPxl, height);
var idIntr = charIDToTypeID("Intr");
var idIntp = charIDToTypeID("Intp");
var idNrst = charIDToTypeID("Nrst");
desc.putEnumerated(idIntr, idIntp, idNrst);
executeAction(idImgS, desc, DialogModes.NO);
// Call the function before running the main script logic
resizeImage(app.activeDocument, 800, 600); // Example dimensions
This code snippet resizes the active document to 800x600 pixels using the nearest neighbor resample setting. You can adjust the dimensions as needed.
If you prefer not to modify the script yourself, you can continue resizing your images manually until such a feature is officially added to the script. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work on improving the script.