• EditorBugs
  • sequence png not working at all

Hi I'm using the latest spine version(4.2.20) and cannot use the sequence feather.
my images are saved in the right location (also named currently).
I can see them in the project but for some reason when I try to do a sequence its giving an red x on the image at the tree window
and in the work-zone there is a Missing image

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    When using the sequence feature in Spine, if you're encountering a red X on the image in the tree window and a "Missing" image in the work area, it suggests there might be an issue with how Spine is locating or interpreting your image files. Ensure that your images are named correctly and follow the expected naming convention for sequences. Spine expects the sequence images to be named in a continuous order, and any discrepancy in naming can lead to issues like the one you're experiencing. Additionally, verify that the Image Path property for your sequence is correctly set up to point to the directory containing your images. If the path is incorrect or if there's an issue with the naming convention, Spine might not be able to locate the images, resulting in the missing image problem.

    It's also worth checking that your images are in a supported format (PNG or JPEG) and that the images path is correctly set under the Images node. If the path is incorrect or the images are not in a supported format, Spine will not be able to display them. If you've confirmed that the naming and paths are correct and the issue persists, it might be related to a specific bug or limitation in the version of Spine you're using, although without direct support or bug tracking, pinpointing the exact cause can be challenging.

    hila_he If you could see the image before checking sequence, make sure that you formatted the name correctly in the path field as in the gif below:

    Likely a piece is missing from either the sequence number or the path.
    If you're still having problems please post the full name and a screenshot of how you set it in the Sequence properties.

    Thanks for the response
    I have check all of the answers you have given. the naming is correct, the format is correct(png)
    the path is correct since i use copy paste to add it.
    here is a screenshot of the tree:

      hila_he From that screenshot, I think the expected image path should be:

      This means that the image path must be entered until just before the frame number. Please check again with the path above.

      We have change the sequence naming to only numbers and it seem to work now
      but i will also try what you offer.
      thanks for the help.

      Your region image path ends with ...Boat so the sequence will look for images like ...Boat000 and ...Boat001.

      You probably wanted ...Boat_ so it looks for ...Boat_000 and ...Boat_001.