skarasuko Thank you for sending your skeleton data files! I confirmed I can reproduce the problem and got the following errors after creating a new SpineAnimationTrack
Invalid animation name: 'a1/town/idle_0_looped'.
Invalid animation name: 'a1/town/idle_0'.
Invalid animation name: 'a1/town/idle_1_looped'.
Invalid animation name: 'a1/town/idle_1'.
Invalid animation name: 'a1/town/idle_2_looped'.
Invalid animation name: 'a1/town/idle_2'.
Invalid animation name: 'a1/town/idle_3_looped'.
Invalid animation name: 'a1/town/idle_3'.
Invalid animation name: 'a1/town/idle_4_looped'.
Invalid animation name: 'a1/town/idle_4'.
Invalid animation name: 'a1/town/walk_0_looped'.
Invalid animation name: 'a1/town/walk_0'.
Invalid animation name: 'a1/town/walk_1_looped'.
Invalid animation name: 'a1/town/walk_1'.
Invalid animation name: 'a1/town/walk_2_looped'.
Invalid animation name: 'a1/town/walk_2'.
Invalid animation name: 'a1/town/walk_3_looped'.
Invalid animation name: 'a1/town/walk_3'.
Invalid animation name: 'a1/town/walk_4_looped'.
Invalid animation name: 'a1/town/walk_4'.
I have tried various ways, and indeed the same animation appears correctly in the list when I move it out of the folder and re-export the skeleton data, so it appears that the slash (/
) is causing it to be recognized as an invalid animation name. I will create an issue ticket for this issue.