icy 很遗憾听到你遇到了麻烦。根据您的描述,我恐怕无法确定您的情况。您在购买许可证后是否成功收到了许可证电子邮件?如果是,您能否按照许可证电子邮件中的说明访问许可证页面?访问许可证页面后,下载安装程序是否失败?还是因为您丢失了许可证电子邮件,无法访问许可证页面而导致下载失败?如果您能详细说明您的情况,我们将不胜感激。
I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble. I am afraid that I am not sure of your situation from your description. Did you successfully receive your license email after you purchased your license? If so, can you access your license page as written in your license email? After accessing your license page, did downloading the installer fail? Or are you having trouble downloading because you lost your license email and can't access your license page? We would appreciate it if you could tell us more about your situation.