FoxInABox You can use Affinity Photo or Affinity Designer instead of them. I have Affinity Photo and it is lighter than Photoshop. These have exporting to Spine built-in. The export screen looks like the image below:
The blue boxes displayed in the viewport can be selected and freely edited to widen or narrow their area. It allows you to see the export bounds for each image easier than with other tools.
However, there are several drawbacks. Perhaps most troubling is the fact that you cannot specify the origin. When you import the exported JSON file into Spine, the root bone will be located at the lower left corner of the canvas. A user of Affinity Designer posted a tip for a solution to this here:
Also, you cannot use tags like the PhotoshopToSpine script, so you cannot group attachments into specific slots or store images in subfolders before importing it into Spine.
In summary, I think Affinity Photo/Designer is easy to use unless what you want to create is a complex skeleton. I hope this will help you.