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PNG file Problems
Why do my own .png files load into spine as a red "missing" box?
Edit: The images display normally if I open them in mspaint and re-save them. The problem is doing so gets rid of any transparencies so I have to erase all the white space again in photoshop. THIS IS ANNOYING! There has got to be another way for me to create .png files in photoshop and be able to import them to Spine.
why have 2 posts been deleted on this thread?
Some posts were lost due to some sort of server issues. There's a post on the forum talking about it.
Ive got the same problem. Spent an hour setting up an animation, saved the project, closed spine and went to have lunch. Came back, opened Spine and all thats there is a bunch of red crossed squares with missing written on them. Hovering over the files in the images directory shows a preview so they are definitely there but not being loaded.
This is the latest version of spine for OSX
If possible please show me a screenshot of the problem where I can see the image node and some images on slots in the tree. Just so I can rule some things out
http://s17.postimage.org/vriomod0v/Scre ... _57_PM.png
The image being preview is also in the first images directory. I messed around trying different locations but none of them worked.
Can you try renaming the image on the eyebrow_left slot to "images\eyebrow_left" please
Currently your path is "images\filename" but the image on the slot is only showing "filename"
Maybe the double "images" names are throwing it off. I'll test it out here.
The red image icon under the images folder means it's not actually being used. When it's green it means it's being used.
That worked. I ended up just copying all the images to the root directory with the .project file. Renaming doesn't support copy/paste and I couldn't be bother typing images/ that many times.
This might be a different problem to the original post as all my images are from photoshop and display transparency with no problem.
Here is a screenshot of what files look like when I save them as png files from Photoshop.
Hovering over file names on the list displays no preview.
And here is the preview of one that I have re-saved in mspaint, opened in Photoshop, erased white space, then re-saved in Photoshop. Keep in mind it will look exactly the same as the preview when I drag it into the frame.
One other interesting note is this:
I cannot get the files to upload into spine at any computer in my house (I have 4,) however the same files I cannot work with, when sent to a friend via the internet, work fine for him in his trial version of Spine.
Can you try and send me one of the files that you are having problems with, I'll take a look at it. Might not be able to get to it tonight, but I'll look into it tomorrow just send to contact@esotericsoftware.com
The problem as far as I can tell is your bit depth. You're saving your PNG's with a 64bit depth.
If you aren't using "Save for web" you need to set your documents color mode to "8 Bits/Channel" under Image->Mode
Let me know if that fixes it for you.
Yep, that did it.
Thanks so much!