• Runtimes
  • Does FFD work in Unity (native or tk2dtoolkit)?

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I would like to ask what are the limitations of FFD when imported into Unity?

Are there any differences between native sprites solution vs tk2dtoolkit sollution?

Thank you, Marek.

Both versions don't use native sprites. They generate meshes based on the data and therefore don't have any problems with FFD. But that said, they work fine when mixed with native sprites in the same scene.

The main difference between them is that 2DToolkit handles packing the individual image parts into its own atlas, whereas the plain Unity version uses the libGDX format and a pre-packed texture.

Note that FFD hasn't been officially implemented yet in any of the runtimes other than libGDX but there's a functioning repo fork of Spine-Unity with FFD in github if you want to try it out.

They're hoping to get the Skinning feature working in the editor and libGDX before officially implementing it in the other runtimes.(I'd say Unity will be one of the first to get it since C# is incredibly similar to the java/libGDX runtime.)

That being said. We are currently working on workflow for our next game. What we have are illustrator files with slices in it that we convert to svg and then thanks to batik we generate sd/hd/full hd textures for unity that we pack in tk2dtoolkit. Then we swap these textures, or tk2dtoolkit does this for us according to resolution.

So our idea is to export also sd textures for spine and do animation with these sd textures in spine and as well design our unity scenes also with this sd textures (not all are used in spine. Then import spine animation into unity and assign our already created tk2d sprite atlases. And according to swapping policy also scale skeleton of spine's imports. All should fit right? (especially the names of sprites from spine and in tk2d atlases)

Will this work?

foriero, yes that sounds like it will work.

One more quick question :

Is the FFD done only in Spine and you export just sprite sequence images?

In this case we will have a really big atlases since we plan a lot FFD deformations.


Is it done in Unity by deforming meshes?

In this case all should be fine since in the atlases there will be only base sprite images.

Don't worry; They're ACTUAL deformed meshes, not exported image sequences. The latter would kinda defeat the purpose of Spine.

Yes, that's the purpose of Spine. We were looking at Anime Studio but they can export only image sequences. Thank you guys gonna use your solution and look forward to push your and our limits up to the skies. :-)

15 jours plus tard

IS FFD already working on unity or not? someone can confirm this?