• Bugs
  • Some minor things...

Latest spine 1.8.05 on Mac OSX

1) Quitting spine whilst texture packing lets you quit spine whilst still processing and can thus lead to incomplete texture files.

2) Not a bug but might as well put here in spine launcher it says copyright 2013 (its now 2014) 🙂

3) When exporting multiple definition (1.0, 0.75, 0.25) images it appears to append -1 to all png files, i would sort of understand if Spine created multi page textures but doesn't from what i can tell.

4) Feature request would it be possible to have a option that puts the files in a folder of the definition name thus all assets will keep same name and can then be put into relevant resolution folders.

Related Discussions

(1) That's funny. XD

(3) The appended -1 is the page number. But Nate did mention that he wanted to remove that for the first page. I'd agree that it shouldn't be there for the first page.

While we're on the topic of inconsequential bugs:

Thanks! we'll get those bugs squashed :punch:

Copyright year is actually correct. Copyright year is from when the claim was made. There are cases where it will need to be updated, but it is correct as it is now 🙂

vnull launcher, best launcher. :bang:

Shiu a écrit

Copyright year is actually correct. Copyright year is from when the claim was made. There are cases where it will need to be updated, but it is correct as it is now 🙂

Never knew that always thought it was a rolling date form when Copyright first claimed so have always done for my employers "Copyright " + DateTime.Now.Year 🙂

1) Don't do that! 🙂
3) Scaling now outputs a subdirectory. No number on first page.
4) Not sure I understand, but I think it is how you would like now.

Perfect, thanks 🙂

By the way, launcher is still vnull. 😃

Is that really what it's called?

My launcher here says 1.8.05 😃 I miss vnull 🙁

Update your launcher.

That fixed it. Now I miss vnull too. :c

The icon's still broken. 😃 (damnit, Pharan)

Yeah WTH is with that icon... the fun part is it only stops working when I deploy the full app. During development of Spine I have an icon... :bang: