It sounds like you need to first understand using the command line to run programs, then how to apply that to Spine.
Trying opening a command line and running Spine from there. From the command line enter the path to
, press enter: the Spine UI should appear and you'll see the Spine log at the command line.
Next, close that and run Spine again, this time like:
input C:\path\to\project.spine
Of course replace my paths with your real paths. That is the simplest command, it dumps some information about the project. You can do the same with the "short" parameter -i
instead of `
C:\path\to\ -i C:\path\to\project.spine
Short parameters always have a single dash and are a single character, while the long parameters are two dashes and can be a whole word. Short parameter are convenient but make the command harder to understand.
Once you can do that, running a JSON export is:
input C:\path\to\project.spine
output C:\path\to\exports
export C:\path\to\export-settings.json
Once you can do that we can help more with creating folders for your skeletons.