I have tried this for a bit now and I personally like that when pressing Q during play back the animation starts over and keeps playing. While using the A shortcut to go back to a custom start point the animation stops and I need to press D again as well, this makes tweaking animations less fluid, the interruption makes it harder to judge motion I'm working on due to the pause and having to press AD over and over. I would love for there to be an option to allow for the animation to restart and keep playing at the previous location without A pausing and then having to press D again.
The problem also is that if you paus the animation some where else during tweaking you've created a new temporary start point for A so that gain brings me to the Looping...
As for Loop Start and End. I would LOVE to be able to set them individually to get a "temporary but permanent" start point to jump back to with Q regardless of where I pause my animations. I'd also love to just have a custom End point so not to play too far ahead when having multiple skeletons with different animation lengths visible. Having to set both is honestly a PITA when working quickly and if I want to disable the loop I must either manually edit the field or clear both parameters double clicking and then if both were cleared I have to set the End point AGAIN manually every time. Perhaps here could be a toggle for this behavior in Preferences?